Orca Minorca | Polaretti

Orca Minorca

Polaretti.it Orca Minorca


A fat orca with a bloated chest that shows her arrogance.

She has big light blue eyes and a ridiculous bonnet on her head.

Pompous, aggressive, greedy and hasn’t got a conscience.

She is mad about business and isn’t very intelligent.

She is full of mispronounced English jargon.

When she believes she has come up with a good idea she rolls her eyes.


She wears a suit jacket a large pearl necklace and shell-shaped earrings.

Family relationship

She doesn’t know anything about the existence of her relatives.

Distinguishing marks

She has loads of make up on her eyes and lips.

The briefcase which she always carries around like a real businesswoman.


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Orca Minorca

Orca Minorca
Orca Minorca
Orca Minorca
Orca Minorca
Orca Minorca
Orca Minorca

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A young penguin, who is not very tall and a little tubby.

He has some problems with his eyesight.


Young and attractive penguin, she has a beautiful figure and soft facial features with long and mischievous eyelashes.

Very vain and obsessed with how she looks.


Young penguin average height and weight with a rebellious tuft of hair.

Lively, dynamic and hot-headed. He gets into “trouble” easily, but of the good kind!

He is often distracted by daydreaming of thousands of adventures!


A young, tall and muscular penguin that is very self-confident.

Strong and decisive he never loses his cool. He is the leader of the Polar Team and Polarmoro’s best friend.

He always has the medallion with a large “P” around his neck which shows that he belongs to the Polaretti Team.


Write a letter to Mr. Polaretto to tell him your great and adventurous days!

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