Polarpub | Polaretti



The buildings

Music and drinks at Polarpub


Polarpub is the gathering place where all of Polarettilandia’s young penguins have a polar drink, a strictly non-alcoholic and fruit-based beverage, while having a chat, laughing and joking together with all their polar friends.


Inside the pub there are large cabins connected to the Express Polartransport, within which, in the blink of an eye, all the fantastic musicians of the Polar Band can appear and make everyone dance with their music.


Nearby there is also a small stage where the most famous singers such as Pingu and Fede, Polar Ax and Polarschilla perform.

Other pictures about


For 25 years ... The meeting of all Polarettilandia penguins!
For 25 years ... The meeting of all Polarettilandia penguins!

Places of Polarettilandia


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